Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy's little helper!

I know I have now blogged twice about Logan and Gloria and their chores/charts etc.  No, I am not forgetting I have three children. 

Like I said in my other blogs, we have always done chore/reward charts of some kind.  The only thing new is the addition of a few more responsibilities for the older 2 and the allowance.  With all of this "new" stuff going on, I figured it was time that Landon get a new chart all his own also. 

Up till now, I just use a piece of poster board with his name on it and he got stickers for doing good things, helping out etc.

I made this one a bit more personalized.  I took pictures of some of the things he helps do around the house.  Of course this isn't everything but the ones that were easiest to capture and make into a chart. 

Sorry for the grumpy potty picture...he was not in the mood to have his picture taken..HAHA

CLEAN UP TOYS: We use this little basket to pick up around the house
BRUSH TEETH:  Sometimes he fights me, sometimes he doesn't.  I felt this needed it's own categroy!

HELP MOMMY: his favorite thing to help with is laundry :-)

READ: He is reading one of his favorite Thomas the Train books here.

USE THE POTTY: He was not in the mood for this

His cute little chart!  I just left a space to the right so I can give him multiple checks etc. through each day! I also laminated his so I can just use the same chart each week.


  1. Nice! I didn't think you had forgotten about #3, but I was just wondering how you handled his chores. Looks good!

    1. LOL! Yeah, I know. For the most part the stickers work well. I laminated this and I am going to do the "check mark" system like I do with the older kids. We'll see how it goes. His hair is a mess in every picture....LOL Looks like a little homeless baby! Just the sign of a hard working kid, right? :-)
