Logan has been talking about this little girl named Rowan for quite some time now. Of course he tells me that it is HER that has the crush on him...uh huh...RIGHT!
I have seen them interact during my volunteer times in the school. She is always chasing him during recess and he is always looking for her. It is way cute!
Friday I was the chaperone for his field trip. All morning he talked about how he hoped she was in our group! She didn't end up being in our group but they did make sure to sit with each other on the bus.
Let me tell you the giggles were hilarious. If you know Logan, you know just how SILLY he is. Well, she thinks that is just the greatest thing on earth. EVERYTHING he does makes her giggle uncontrollably! He sure does enjoy that and feeds right in to it.
She told me that he is so nice and funny and she named them "The Crazy Couple". Yes, she is just as silly as he is, if that is even possible. They are like the exact same with their personalities...so silly, it was cuteness overload watching it!
Here are a few pictures I managed to snap, when they allowed me to :-)
I know you can't wait to show this to them on their wedding day ;)