Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Crazy Couple

Logan has been talking about this little girl named Rowan for quite some time now.  Of course he tells me that it is HER that has the crush on him...uh huh...RIGHT! 

I have seen them interact during my volunteer times in the school.  She is always chasing him during recess and he is always looking for her.  It is way cute!

Friday I was the chaperone for his field trip.  All morning he talked about how he hoped she was in our group!  She didn't end up being in our group but they did make sure to sit with each other on the bus.  

Let me tell you the giggles were hilarious.  If you know Logan, you know just how SILLY he is.  Well, she thinks that is just the greatest thing on earth.  EVERYTHING he does makes her giggle uncontrollably!  He sure does enjoy that and feeds right in to it.  

She told me that he is so nice and funny and she named them "The Crazy Couple".  Yes, she is just as silly as he is, if that is even possible.  They are like the exact same with their personalities...so silly, it was cuteness overload watching it!  

Here are a few pictures I managed to snap, when they allowed me to :-)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mommy's little helper!

I know I have now blogged twice about Logan and Gloria and their chores/charts etc.  No, I am not forgetting I have three children. 

Like I said in my other blogs, we have always done chore/reward charts of some kind.  The only thing new is the addition of a few more responsibilities for the older 2 and the allowance.  With all of this "new" stuff going on, I figured it was time that Landon get a new chart all his own also. 

Up till now, I just use a piece of poster board with his name on it and he got stickers for doing good things, helping out etc.

I made this one a bit more personalized.  I took pictures of some of the things he helps do around the house.  Of course this isn't everything but the ones that were easiest to capture and make into a chart. 

Sorry for the grumpy potty picture...he was not in the mood to have his picture taken..HAHA

CLEAN UP TOYS: We use this little basket to pick up around the house
BRUSH TEETH:  Sometimes he fights me, sometimes he doesn't.  I felt this needed it's own categroy!

HELP MOMMY: his favorite thing to help with is laundry :-)

READ: He is reading one of his favorite Thomas the Train books here.

USE THE POTTY: He was not in the mood for this one...lol

His cute little chart!  I just left a space to the right so I can give him multiple checks etc. through each day! I also laminated his so I can just use the same chart each week.

So far, So good....

Well, week one with the added allowance and more responsibility...TOTAL SUCCESS! 

The kids did GREAT doing all their chores and without having to be asked (most of the time...lol)

We have regular conversations about responsibility and doing our part as a family.  The focus is NOT on the money, although they are aware of it and it has helped motivate them for some of the less favorable chores :-)

I am very proud of them and the progress they have made with the extra responsibilities.

I made new charts and this time laminated them!  This way I can use the same charts each week and just wipe it off and change the chores as needed.  I have my own laminating machine so this was easy :-)  I have found that it doesn't just wipe clean easily, I have to use my Mr. Clean magic eraser but that works perfectly!  LOVE Mr. Clean!  LOL

In addition to their Chore Charts, I have added nicely laminated Behavior charts (they were all on the same chart last week).  I just like having the two separated and so do the kids. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time to learn about money :-)

We have always done some sort of a reward/chore chart in our house.  Sometimes it was something as simple as a post board to stick stickers too and sometimes it was more in depth with lists and dates etc.

My kids do a LOT around the house and are great helpers.  They have always done this with out "needing" any sort of payment.  We have decided to start giving them an allowance but isn't because we have to or because they are asking for it.  It is just because we feel that teaching them about savings, budgeting and earning their own money is an important LIFE skill to learn.  

I sat down with the kids...yes, just ME.  Larry has been working 7am - 11pm every day so he hasn't been here to join in the actual conversation but he is on board :-)

Anyway...I sat down with the kids the other night and we talked about responsibility, about being part of a family and how important it is to work as a team.  We talked about what was considered an every day responsibility and then we came up with a list of extra "chores" that they felt they could handle doing.  I had already given this a lot of thought and researched what would be considered "age appropriate" chores so I was able to throw in a suggestion here and there...LOL

Even though helping out around the house has always been part of their every day, they were SO excited over this conversation we were having and their "new" jobs.  It was pretty freaking adorable!

Next, we sat down at the table and wrote down all of their Daily and Weekly responsibilities on their new charts and hung them on the refrigerator.  After that (the hard part) was done I told them we needed to talk about one more thing....MONEY!  HAHA

They both already know and understand how we get our money and how important it is to save it etc.  I do not buy them toys every time we are at a store and they KNOW not to ask for cheap/needless things etc.

I think it is SO important for them to know how it feels to accumulate the money needed for that special something, to see their savings grow and then to have that amazing sense of accomplishment as they stand in line to make their purchase.  I know my kids appreciate when WE buy them things but this is going to take that appreciation to a whole new level.

They know that they are not given money per chore etc.  There is no monetary value for each chore.  If we add to their list or ask to do something NOT on the list that doesn't increase their allowance. We all work together as a family and they know that "helping out anywhere needed" is a normal expected behavior.  They have their daily and weekly responsibilities and at the end of the week, if they have done a good job, they will get $2.  

I went out today to FIVE Below and purchased them each a cool money counting jar.  Something so simple and made their day!  They can't wait to start saving.  Logan already had some change and I gave Gloria a quarter so she could get her money counter started...lol  She is so happy with just that :-)

It has only been a few days and it really isn't a HUGE change from our normal routine but it is enough of one.  I have already seen a difference in their behavior and I am so excited and thrilled for them!  I am sure I will be back to blog about their savings and their first purchases!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The simple things in life

Some times the days go by so fast or we are so busy that we miss out on the simple little moments.  I try to do as much as I can with each child...all of them together and individually.  Sometimes it is great to just take a step back and watch them just be kids, make messes, create art and show their love.

Here are a few little treasures from my little treasures :-)

 My Valentines card from Logan <3

Gloria's drawing of our family.  Complete with our names and ages...lol

Landon super excited to see HIS name :-)

Mess free finger painting = FUN

YAY...I did it! 

Moon Dough is GREAT!

Happy Belated Valentines day

I unfortunately didn't take too many pictures and didn't get this post up earlier but better late then never....right?

I spend the day at the school with the kids.  I LOVE when I get that opportunity.  Seeing them in their classes, interacting, learning and being able to be a part of that is priceless.  

I also love how much THEY love having me there.  Makes my heart smile!

Here are a few pictures from the day!

Gloria with her Valentines fortune teller I made for her.  Logan had one also. These were a big hit!

HAHA...I love the two above pictures.  Have you seen the personalized valenines using a picture and then you put a lolly pop in their hand by cutting little slits?  Well that was what these were for :-)  

She already holds my heart in her hands, why not a crocheted one too?! 

Our little wrestler....

Logan has been BEGGING to join a wrestling team.  I googled and googled and looked in the phone book but it took me FOREVER to finally locate a club and actually get in touch with a human.  Of course this was just 3 weeks ago and very close to the end of the season. 

Wrestling started in November, I got in touch with the coach on February 1st.  Dang it!

The coach was nice enough to let Logan join in with the last few practices.  It was great to see him light up and have a GREAT time.  Even though he only attended a few practices, I could see his spark and his steady improvement.

He will definitely be joining his wrestling team again when the season starts back up on November 1st.  I think I am just as excited about this journey as he is!

So proud and I can't wait to watch him grow as a wrestler :-)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Projects 365 or I should say "366" for 2012 (It's leap year)

Ok so I started this blog last year and did ok for a while but then didn't keep up with it.  Here I go again.  I really love blogging, taking pictures and writing about my life and my kids.  I will get this year of blogging started with this project...my way :-)
If you haven't already heard of this project, you can read about it here.  I started this on my facebook page but already missed a few days in January.  It is harder to keep up with then you might imagine.  For me, I have to take the pictures, take the memory card out of my camera, plug in my external card reader and insert the memory card and then transfer and save the pictures to my computer.  To do this every single day AND then upload the pictures to an album just has been really hard! 

What I plan on doing from this point on will be to happily take pictures throughout the week and write one blog post per week summing up the week and including the pictures from that week.  I think this will be much more manageable for me and keep me blogging :-)

So...here I go.  I will begin adding posts to get caught up as of last weeks pictures and then I will just post once a week.